Product Innovation

Driving digital innovation

in payments and fintech

Innovative digital customer experiences are disrupting the payments industry. Consumer behaviour is changing in response to new technologies and business models.

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Payment Product Innovation

Innovative digital customer experiences are disrupting the payments industry. Consumer behaviour is changing in response to new technologies and business models.

New entrants to the market, unencumbered by legacy technology, are setting high standards for customer service that traditional players must aspire to.

To compete, banks must invest in digital product innovation. In order to differentiate and sustain their lead in the market, banks need to refresh their operating models and develop more innovative payment solutions.

Our experts will guide you through the whole process

We’ll work with you to generate initial ideas, and help you mock up product concepts rapidly. From there, we’ll help define the business case and product features, so you can test a minimal viable product (MVP) as early as possible. We’ll also help you fine tune the design concepts and final product.

Idea Generation

Digital Product Innovation

Product Strategy and Design

Market Sizing and Opportunity Validation

Payment Product Value Proposition Creation

Payment Product Marketing

Portfolio Analysis, Optimisation and Valuation

Case studies

Our latest product innovation experience

Talk with our experts in Payment Product Innovation

How can EDC innovate your next payment product?

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