Conversation with Aman Behzad, managing partner at Royal Park Partners (RPP)

Conversation with Aman Behzad, managing partner at Royal Park Partners (RPP)

Samee Zafar
May 6, 2024

The market for M&A and IPOs has been quiet for some time in Europe and North America. When do you think it is likely to pick up and which sector is seeing some early signs of activity?

There has been a recent spate of tech IPO activity, including Rubrik, Reddit and Astera to name a few. The market has responded favourably to all and so the positive reinforcement mechanism for more public issuances will gather steam on the run up to the summer and from September onwards. What has actually been more eye-catching however has been the stunning amount of take-private transactions, continuing the downward trends in the number of public companies. There are also a large number of private M&A transactions in the offing, where consolidation across markets will be a key feature as organic growth slows.

Tell us a little about why and how you founded RPP?

I founded RPP as a result of working at a number of older school corporate finance advisory houses and investment banks, seeing there that clipping a fee was more important than being a great advisor and partner to your clients. The 'transaction' was always more important than the relationship and thinking beyond a one year bonus cycle, impossible. There were also ancient modus operandi and dogmas developed in the 90's that pervaded these banks that prevented out of box thinking, deal efficiency and proper client service. Something as simple as speaking your mind was too controversial.

I founded RPP with the idea of a differentiated level of service - all other great things would come from that. Early on, I was joined by outstanding co-founders who have helped drive the business since and past clients that believed in our vision and wanted to work with us. We got our early deals all through the strength of past client service experiences - something that was just not valued at the incumbent banks.

What book are you reading, one you would recommend – both fiction and non-fiction?

I am reading 'Never Split The Difference' by Chris Voss at the moment - a must read for anyone who habitually engages in negotiation. From the book I'm getting to understand why certain tactics I used in the past worked effectively and others, not so. It has helped me codify the psychology behind negotiations in a way I could only have done had I been a university level psychology student.

My fiction reading at the moment aligns to the reading list of 8 year old twins - a lot of CS Lewis and Roald Dahl. Returning to their books after 30 years has been a real experience - the quality, verve and vigour of their writings are timeless.

What do you in your spare time and any non-work personal goals you have set for yourself (e.g., climb a mountain, write a book etc.)

I've started playing the drums with my teenage son in the last 6 months and want to target a grade 4 rating (out of 8) by the end of next year.... will keep you posted how that goes!

The content of this article does not reflect the official opinion of Edgar, Dunn & Company. The information and views expressed in this publication belong solely to the author(s).

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